"Quiet your chattering mind then feel the joy of My Spirit emanate from your being."
"Quiet your chattering mind then feel the joy of My Spirit emanate from your being."
"Let My Love flow out of you as compassion, kindness, and understanding."
"Such wonderful things are coming to you. Joy, Peace, Laughter. The difficult way is nearly over."
"I am with you. Do not fear. Your success will be won daily doing what I have said."
Wonders are unfolding beyond your dreams and hopes. To everything say "All is well".
"Let go of your worries. Place your burdens on Me. I will show the way."
"Let My Peace fill you. Allow My Love to guide and inspire your words, thoughts, and actions."
"Have Faith. It is necessary to overcome adverse conditions and accomplish all the good in your lives."
"Be a source of kindness. You are blessed by Me for every word that goes forth to gladden the hearts of others."
"I have given you unlimited creativity and love. Use these gifts in every action you take."
"Whenever you feel alone or confused. Take a moment to acknowledge My Presence. You will receive new strength and energy."
"Remind yourself of My Love for you. Negative emotions will flee."
"Always choose the path to peace by expressing My Love and acceptance."
"Let My Presence within inspire you. Embrace the joy and wonder this day holds."
"It is not quiet resignation, but joyful acceptance and anticipation to which I give My Blessing."
"I love you. Not one test too much will I lay on you. Rejoice."
"Fear not. I am evermore ready to hear than you to ask. Know that help will come."
"Experience My Loving Presence in every fiber of your being. Joy, Joy, Joy."
"I am using you in marvelous ways. Go on gladly. You will see."
"I am watching over you. Strength for your daily task is provided."
"Hearts eager to do My Will sends out a call I find irresistible. I know no barrier to them."
"Recognize My Work in your daily life. Gradually a feeling of wonder, certainty, gratitude then joy will follow."
"Peace, joy, patience, and endurance all come from contact with Me."
"Send no one away without a word of cheer, a feeling that you care."
"Life with Me is a Love story. All you have missed you will find in Me."
"Union with Me is an overwhelming necessity. All else follows so naturally."
"I am beside you. Can you not feel My Presence?"
"Delay is not denial, but the all-loving Divine control that can scarcely tolerate the delay."
"To conquer adverse circumstances conquer yourselves."
"There is only one cure for all the world's ills. Union with Me."
"Listen to My Voice. Go forward unafraid."
"All work that results from resting with Me is miracle-work. Claim this power."
"Doubt your own power to put things right. Ask Me to right all, then go on your way loving and laughing."
"Always calm with Me. Calm is trust in action."
"Get back to Me when the slightest feeling of unrest disturbs you. Consciousness of My Presence brings calm."
"Face the storm. Feel the thrill of protection and safety from Me within you."
"To see Me you must bring Me your cares and show Me your heart of trust."
"Just to be with Me. Just to know I am beside you. That will bring joy and peace."
"Breathe in the rich blessings of each new day. Forget all that lies behind you."
"I made you to carry the weight of one day. Do not weigh yourself down with the years behind or the days ahead."
"Live with Me. Talk to Me, thus you will grow like Me."
"Be silent before Me. Seek to know then to do My Will in all things."
"Listen to My Voice eagerly, joyfully. Never crowd it out. If one seeks the babble of the world I withdraw."
"Face the future with a brave and happy heart."
"Just know all is well. Believing is the ship that will bear you to safety over stormy waters."
"Cling to Me until the Divine Life flows into your being and revives your spirit."
"Yield in all things to My gentle insistence but remember I yield to yours too."
"Copy the child-spirit. Not only for its simple trust but for its joy for life."
"Expect miracles. Each day's happening if of My workings are miracle-works."
"Try to picture a bodyguard of My servitors in the Unseen, waiting and longing to do all that is necessary for your well being."
"Can you get the expectant attitude of Faith? Not expecting evil, but a joyful trust of the next good."