"Never falter, go forward so boldly, so unafraid. I am with you to help and strengthen you."
"Never falter, go forward so boldly, so unafraid. I am with you to help and strengthen you."
"Look into your heart to find the peace and love I placed there."
"The peaceful remembrance of Me always shines in your quiet mind"
"Love and laugh. Make the world happier for your being in it."
"Be gentle with all. Try to see the heart I see, to know the pain and difficulty of the other life that I know."
"In speaking to Me you find soul-rest. Simple tasks, faithfully done bring their own reward and are mosaics being laid in the pavement of success."
"Keep calm. You can help nobody when you are agitated. You accomplish more by this than by all the activity of a long day."
"Tender Love is the secret. Love those you are training, love those who work with you, love those who serve you."
"Have no fear, go forward. Joy--radiant Joy must be yours. Change all disappointment into Joy and each complaint into laughter."
"Bless any you find in disharmony with you. Leave to Me the necessary correcting or training. You must only desire Joy and Blessing for them."
"Have no fear. Watch the faintest tremor of fear, and stop all work, and rest before Me until you are joyful and strong again."
"Contact with Me is not gained by the senses. Spirit-consciousness replaces sight."
"Revere your life, body, and mind. The journey becomes peaceful when you accept your place in the great design of all things."
"Delay is not denial-- not even withholding. It is the opportunity for Me to work out your problems and accomplish your desires in the most wonderful way possible."
"Let go of what you think so you can hear and follow Me."
"Fear not. Let the day be full of little prayers to Me, little turnings towards Me. The smiles of the soul at one it loves."
"Share all with Me, as a child shares its pains, cuts, new found treasures, and joys with its Mother. And give Me the joy of sharing all with you."
"The oarsman trusting in Me does not lean on his oars and drift with the tide. Once I have shown the way-- it is against the tide you must direct all your effort."
"You must not expect to live in a world where all is harmony. It is your task to maintain your own heart-peace in adverse circumstances by relying on Me."
"When man wants evil destroyed so often he rushes to action. It is wrong. First be still. Then act only as I tell you. Always calm with Me. Calm is trust in action."
"Face each day with love and laughter. Face the storm. Joy, Peace, and Love are My great gifts. Follow Me to find all three."
"Never judge. The heart of man is so delicate, so complex, only its Maker can know it. Each heart is so different, actuated by different motives, influenced by different sufferings."
"The world sees strength in action. In my Kingdom strength lies in quiet and confidence."
"Search for Joy in life. Hunt for it like a treasure. Love, Laugh, and Joy in Me."
"Never fear, never lose heart. Draw close to Me. My presence transforms your life to bring Peace and Love."
"Treat all you meet with Love, consideration, and gentleness. In service to others you express your Love of Me."
"Face each difficulty sure that the wisdom and strength will be given to you. Claim it."
"For every task I give My children, I supply all that is necessary. So why fear? Why doubt?"
"Be still. Only when the soul attains calm can true work be done."
"Looking at Me you will grow like Me. You will be enabled to do great works with the Miracle-power of the Divine."
"The cry of the human soul is always heard. The response was there in all eternity awaiting the cry, only man's failing to hear keeps him unaware and unhelped."
"My plans are wonderful. Cling to thoughts of protection, safety, and guidance."
"Does one worrying thought enter your mind. Fight it at once. Love and Trust are the solvents for the worries and frets of a life."
"You have dominion over all life's experiences by the attitude with which you deal with them."
"Take the illuminations of your soul into action to produce love in this world."
"Let my Spirit inside lead you to the people, places, and circumstances that will give you the opportunity to express the grandest part of who you are."
"Spend silent time with Me. You will come away with heightened awareness, peace, and calm."
"Feel My Love for you. Let it wash over you and soothe your wounds."
"Let Me fill you with joy and guide you with gentle and tender steps."
"Be silent before Me. Seek to know then to do My Will in all things."
"Devote yourself to experiencing joy right now."
"Do not forget to meet all your difficulties with love and laughter. Be assured that I am with you."
"Live outside whenever possible. Sun and air are My great healing forces. Never forget that real healing of body, mind, and spirit comes from within, from close loving contact of your spirit with My Spirit."
"Already Love is drawing others to you. Take all who come as sent by Me, and give them a royal welcome. It will surprise you all that I have planned for you."
"Give out Love with a glad, free heart and hand. Use all you can for others and back will come countless stores and blessings."
"Many many in the world cry to Me, but oh, how few wait to hear Me speak. My speaking to them matters so much."
"Love, laugh, make the world happy. Your joy-making shall spread in ever-widening circles, beyond all your knowledge. Centuries after it still bears precious fruit."
"All down the ages men have been too eager to say what they thought about My Truth. Hear Me. Talk to Me. Reflect Me. I can explain to each heart."
"Share your gifts with all to discover the path I planned for you."
"Dwell not on the past. Only the present."
"Wealth is deferred when you are afraid of the past, worried about the future, or withholding from others now."