"All power is given unto Me. It is Mine to give, Mine to withhold, but even I have to acknowledge that I cannot withhold it from the soul that dwells near Me, because it is then not a gift, but passes insensibly between us."
"All power is given unto Me. It is Mine to give, Mine to withhold, but even I have to acknowledge that I cannot withhold it from the soul that dwells near Me, because it is then not a gift, but passes insensibly between us."
"Learn to shut yourself away in My Presence - and then, without speaking, you have those things you desire of Me, Strength - Power - Joy - Riches."
"Complete surrender of every moment to Me is the foundation of happiness."
"Pour forth - I cannot bless a life that does not act as a channel. My Spirit brooks no stagnation. Its Power must flow on. Pass on every blessing. See how many you can help each day."
"Do the aims and ambitions of man bring peace? No! Those whom the world has most rewarded, with fame, honor, and wealth, are weary and disappointed. You must be of service to others."
"Bury all thought of fear, bitterness, poverty, and failure. I guide you one day at a time. Each day the wisdom and strength will be supplied."
"Only Love is the conquering force. Be not afraid. I will help you. Be channels. My spirit shall flow through and sweep away all the bitter past.
"Wonderful things are happening. Do not limit Me. The way will unfold."
"Hoard nothing. Do not be afraid of poverty. Let money flow freely. I will let it flow in but you must let it flow out."
"Love is the key. The way will open. What cause have you to fear. Be calm. Calm in my power."
"Cultivate silence. I speak in silences to the heart. A soft wind can convey my meaning to the heart."
"Each wonderful thought I give you can be like a pearl that you drop into the secret place of another heart and in their hour of need the recipient finds the treasure and realizes for the first time it's value"
"Life with Me is not immunity from difficulties, but peace in difficulties."
"Joy is the result of trusting acceptance of my will. It is the daughter of calm."
"Be calm do not feel the strain of life. I am the Master Instrument Maker. Would I ask the instrument anything that could destroy or strain? No! Strain is only when you are serving two masters -- Me or the world."
"Each day do something to lift up another soul. Provide the helping hand to raise another to courage, faith, and health."
"Have courage. Do not fear. Put the old mistakes away and start anew. You must be glad and joyful."
"Practice Love, It is the great lesson. Do all you can and leave the rest to Me. Fear not I am your Advocate."
"All walls shall fall before you. Your faith and My power are the only two essentials. So if man's petty opposition still holds, it is only because I choose to let it stand between you and what would be a mistake for you."
"The hearts of kings are in My rule and governance. All men can be moved at My wish. Rest in this certainty. Rely on Me."
"Just go step by step. My will shall be revealed as you go."
"Life is a school. There are many teachers. Believe that problems and difficulties of your lives can be explained by Me more clearly and effectively than by any other."
"Comfort Me by letting Me know that you would see Me just to dwell in My Presence. Not for teaching, not for material gain, not even for a message -- but for Me. The longing of the human heart to be loved for itself is something caught from the Great Divine Heart."
"Trust and be not afraid. Life is full of wonder. Open child-trusting eyes to all I am doing for you. Fear not."
"You must rely on Me. You must wait, trust, hope and joy in Me. This is the great test."
"Think of my trees stripped of their beauty, pruned and cut bare yet fruit a thousand times better for the pruning arise. You are in the hands of a Master-Gardener. He makes no mistakes about His pruning. Rejoice."
"Courage, courage. Heed My voice of encouragement. Remember that I am by your side, spurring you on to victory."
"You shall be used. The Divine Force is never less. I only need the instruments for me to use. To know that would remake the world."
"The world does not need supermen, but supernatural men. Men who persistently turn the self out of their lives. The world would be saved tomorrow if people would let Me just use them."
"Let inspiration take the place of aspiration. All unemployment would cease. I always have plenty of work to be done and always pay My workpeople well."
"In bustle so little is accomplished. You must learn to take the calm with you in the most hurried days."
"Do not expect a perfect church, but find in a church the means of coming near to Me. The real life is all that matters, the outward Church is the husk, but the husk was necessary to present the life-grain to man."
"Life is really consciousness of Me. Let it be a new life in which every single happening, event and plan you are conscious of Me. Be in all things led by the Spirit. And the consciousness of Me must bring joy."
"This would cure the world if every day each soul waited before me. Gradually, you will be transformed physically, mentally, and spiritually into My Likeness."
"It is not the passionate appeal that gains the Divine ear so much as the quiet placing of the difficulty and worry in the Divine hands."
"So trust and be not afraid, like a child who places a tangled string in the hands of a loving mother and runs out to play, pleasing the mother more by its unquestioning confidence than if it went down on its knees and implored her help."
"Let your requests be known to Me. But do not beg. Just know that to lay the matter before Me is immediate supply."
"You do not need to see far ahead. Just one step at a time. Be more afraid of Spirit-unrest than of earthquake, fire, or outside forces. When calm is broken--remain away alone with Me until your heart sings."
"No evil force can hinder my Power. Only you yourself have power to do that. Think all of God's forces arrayed to help you-- and your puny self impedes the onward march."
"You must trust me wholly. This lesson must be learned. Doubt always delays. Are you trusting all to me or not?"
"I may send you strange visitors. Make each desire to return. Nobody must come and feel unwanted. Share your love, joy, happiness, time and food gladly with all."
"Spend more time with Me. A strength and joy come from such times that will add much to your friendship and much to your work."
"Think of Me. Look at Me often and unconsciously you will grow like Me."
"Have no fear. Perfect love casts out fear. There is no room for fear in the heart in which I dwell."
"Never inspire fear. It is an evil ally. No work that employs this enemy of Mine is work for Me. There must be a better way. Ask Me, and I will show it to you."
"Nature is the embodied spirit of My Thoughts of beauty for the world. Sense My presence in a flower, My message in its beauty and perfume. Joy, Joy, Joy."
"Nothing is too small to Me. The sparrow is of greater value than a palace, one kindly word of more importance than a statesman's speech."
"Look at a flower until its beauty becomes part of your very soul. It will be given back to the world again by you in the form of a smile or a loving word."
"Do not fear. To fear is as foolish as if a small child with a rich father fretted about how rent should be paid. Trust Me."
"Claim big, really big things. Remember nothing is too big. Claim joy, peace, and laughter."
"I am here. Seek not to know the future. Mercifully I veil it from you. Faith is too priceless a possession to be sacrificed to purchase knowledge. Intimate knowledge of Me will teach you all things and be the very foundation of your faith."