"I hold the year in My Hands in trust for you. But I shall guide you one day at a time. Each day I supply the wisdom and the strength."
"I hold the year in My Hands in trust for you. But I shall guide you one day at a time. Each day I supply the wisdom and the strength."
"Trust Me. You are not at the mercy of fate. You are being led. Those who do not serve your purpose are moved out of your path."
"Love, Joy, Peace are won on the battlefield of the soul, not in rushing or striving in the physical world."
"All sacrifice and suffering is redemptive. It is used to either teach the individual or to help others. Nothing is by chance."
"The best cure for worry is to inwardly feel My Love for you."
"Practice Love. It is the great lesson. Practice this and I will bless you beyond all you can imagine."
"Just go step by step. My Will shall be revealed as you go."
"To the listening ear I speak. To the waiting heart I come."
"Have no fear. A beautiful future lies before you. Let it be a new life where every happening, event, and plan you are conscious of Me."
"Absorb beauty. When the beauty of a flower or tree is impressed on the soul, it is reflected back in your actions."
"Breathe in My Spirit. If given free entrance and not blocked by the self, it will enable you to do great works."
"Listen to Me. Love Me. Joy in Me."
"Slay the self within that hinders progress and prevents the flow of My invigorating Life and Spirit."
"I am the center of everyone's life, but so many are distracted by the sense-life that they do not find Me."
"Meditate on all I say. Not to draw your own conclusions, but to absorb Mine."
"Life knows no greater Joy than you will find in conversation and companionship with Me."
"I shower love on you. Pass love on."
"Just trust. I cannot and will not fail you."
"The way may seem long, but it is not one inch too long. Not only am I with you on the journey. I planned the journey."
"I am with you to guide and help you. Leave your foolish fears and trust in Me."
"Rest in Me. Quiet in My Love, Strong in My Power."
"Be calm, be true, be quiet. I watch over you."
"Each day is a day of steady progress. You may not see it but I do. Persevere. Love and laugh."
"Wait in Love with Me. As you wait, courage and hope will flow into your being."
"So often people cry out for some blessing, but hold so tight to some earth-treasure that they have no hand to receive Mine as I hold it out in Love."
"I am your Guide. Strength and help will come to you. Just trust Me completely."
"Your need is My chance to help. Faith is all I need to manifest My Power."
"Go back into silence to recover calm. You accomplish more by this than by all the activities of a long day."
"Learn calm. All great work for Me is done first in the soul of the individual."
"Tender Love is the secret. Love those who you are training, Love those who work with you. Love those who serve you."
"Let joy flow from your house. It affects all who come there."
"Many think I only test and train, and bend to My Will. I love to plan glad surprises for those who understand and joy in them."
"See the good in everybody. Love the good in them."
"Speak to Me. Listen to Me. You will find soul-rest."
"Have no fear. Joy--radiant joy must be yours. Change disappointment to joy."
"Guidance you are bound to have as you live more and more with Me."
"Rarely do I speak in words. Others will see Me in My Works done through you."
"To use Me in your life is to bring into manifestation peace, joy and happiness."
"Cease trying to forgive those who wronged you. Aim to kill the self within, not until then will you find there is nothing that even remembers the injury."
"Empty your minds of limits. Whatever is beautiful you can have. Leave more and more choices to Me. You will have no regrets."
"Seek Me, Love Me, Joy in Me. I am your Guide."
"Are you ready to live apart with Me? In the world, yet apart with Me. Going forth with Me to rescue and save."
"The difficulties in life are caused by disharmony in the individual, not in My Kingdom, only something unconquered in My children."
"You are a work in progress. Eagerly await the wonders that I will express through you today."
"Every breath is a gift from Me that renews and restores you."
"Free your mind of worry. My spirit within you brings freedom. Live fully and freely today."
"I made you to accomplish something specific that no one else can accomplish."
"No matter how gloomy the outer circumstances, My Spirit is always shining inside you revealing the way."
"Spend time with Me. Your mind will be free of worry, new opportunities will arise, guidance will come."
"Acknowledge My Presence in every fiber of your being. Negative thoughts and worries will disappear."
"Everyday choose to let go of worry and let Me into your life."