"Retreat into a quiet place with Me. You will find restoration, joy, and healing."
"Retreat into a quiet place with Me. You will find restoration, joy, and healing."
"Nothing is by chance. No detail is forgotten in My Plans for you. "
"Put the old mistakes away. Take courage. I give you a fresh start today. "
"Be full of gratitude. Take all that happens as My Planning. I have prepared all in My Love for you."
"Why do you worry? I wait to give you all that is lovely. I bless the glad and thankful hearts."
"Refuse to be downcast. Love and laugh. I am with you."
"My Spirit in you is stronger and brighter than any darkness in the world."
"Let My purposes guide you rather than your own fears or others opinions."
"Doubts delay. Are you trusting all to Me or not? "
"Seek a silence of spirit-understanding with Me then all will be calm and at peace."
"Truth is many-sided. Have love and patience for all who do not see as you do."
"Shower love. Every mountain of difficulty will be laid low and all will know I am with you."
"Sense My Presence in nature. My message is in its beauty. Joy -- Joy-- Joy."
"Pray for more faith. Know what it is to feel sure that I can never fail you."
"There is no room for fear in the heart in which I dwell."
"When your soul finds Me, then real Life begins."
"The difficult way is nearly over. Hold on in My Strength. Courage and joy will conquer all troubles."
"Through many channels My help can flow. I am your supply."
"Your fears are groundless. My unseen forces are aligned to help you."
"As you spend more time with Me, you will be transformed into My Likeness."
"Loosen your hold on earth, its cares, worries, and even its joys. Unclasp your hand and let My Presence flow into your being."
"All that depresses, all that you fear are powerless to harm you. They are but phantoms. Trust in Me."
"Arise to beauty, holiness, joy, and peace. All inspired by My Love for you."
"When you see My Purpose ahead, that very sight contains the power to clear every obstacle."
"You must put Love into action in your life. No judging-- No resentments-- all patience-- all power-- all supply."
"Reflect Me in all you say and do."
"My Spirit supplies the wisdom and the strength for your journey. Know I have prepared the way."
"I am the breath of your soul. Learn to shut yourself in that secret place with Me."
"Never falter. Go forward boldly and unafraid. Know I am there to help you."
"Love all My ways with you. Delay is not denial but my wonderful all-loving restraint. I can scarcely tolerate the delay."
"I wait in your hearts, but so few retire into that inner place to commune with Me."
"Humility is not belittling the self, it is forgetting the self because you are remembering Me."
"Delight in My Love. Share all with Me and give Me the joy of sharing all with you."
"Live in My sunshine and My Love. Know your lives are full of glad promise."
"Believe more in Me than in the limitations of the world."
"Laughter is the outward expression of joy. Love and laugh today."
"Seek My Presence. I will reward you with courage and joy to conquer all troubles."
"Never despair. Be a channel of helpfulness for others. Already I hear the music of the unseen host rejoicing at your victory."
"Learn of Me. Kill the self within. Every blow to self is used to shape the real, eternal, imperishable you. Be candid and rigorous with yourselves. Did self prompt that? and if it did, oust it at all costs."
"It is not life and its difficulties you have to conquer, only the self in you."
"Relax, do not get tense, have no fear. How can you fear change when your life is hid with Me. You must learn poise, soul-balance in a vacillating changing world."
"Claim My power. Use it. If not, I withdraw it. You cannot ask too much. Never think you are too busy. As long as you get back to Me and replenish after each task."
"My Joy I give you. Live in it. Bathe your Spirit in it. Reflect it."
"Nothing in the day is too small to be a part of My scheme. The little stones in a mosaic play a big part. Joy is the God-given cement that secures the harmony and beauty of My mosaic."
"Abide in My Love. I surround you with a protective screen that keeps all evil from you. It is fashioned by your own attitude of mind, words, and deeds towards others."
"Love and Trust are the solvents for the worries, cares, and frets of life. Apply them at once. Persevere, oh! persevere. Never lose heart."
See a Mother preparing for her child's birthday - Will she not love that? How she will love this! She anticipates the rapture of her child. Where did the Mother learn all this? From Me."
"To dwell in thought on the material, when once you live in Me is to call it into being. So you must be careful only to think of and desire that which will help, not hinder, your spiritual growth."
"Think thoughts of ill-will and ill surrounds you, and those about whom you think. Think love, and love surrounds you, and all about whom you think."
"Rejoice exceedingly. Joy in Me. Rest in Me. Never be afraid. Pray more. I am your Helper. Underneath are the Everlasting Arms. You cannot get below that. Rest in them, as a tired child rests."
You must say "Thank You" on the grayest days. If a gray day is not one of thankfulness, the lesson has to be repeated. Not to everyone is it so. But only to those who ask to serve Me well.