"Love and laughter, not a sorrowful resignation mark real acceptance of My Will."
"Love and laughter, not a sorrowful resignation mark real acceptance of My Will."
"Look on every fear, not as a weakness, but a real temptation to be attacked and overthrown."
"Forget all sense of failure and shortcomings, all the painful jolts, just trust Me, Love Me, call upon Me."
"Look up into My Face to feel a sense of security, a thrill of joy at My Nearness."
"Laugh more. Laugh often. Love more. I am with you."
"You must Love, how otherwise can you dwell in Me, where nothing unloving can come."
"I never send money to stagnate, only to those who pass it on. Hoard nothing."
"I am your Healer, your Joy. With noiseless footsteps I draw near to you. I need no agonized pleading. Your need is My Call."
"Place your burdens on Me, then in lightheartedness turn to help another."
"All walls fall before you. Your faith and My Power are the only two essentials."
"All people can be moved at My Wish. Rest in this certainty. Rely on Me."
"Life is full of wonder. Open child-trusting eyes to all I am doing for you. Fear not."
"Love can and does go round the world, passed on the God-currents from one to another."
"You are entering a new stage of success. See My Hand in all the happenings."
Open yourself to Me. Let My Love heal your wounds and open your heart.
"Would I plant your feet on an unsecured ladder? Its supports may be hidden, but if I have asked you to step up, then surely I have secured the ladder."
"Fear of what others will say is lack of trust in Me. Convert all difficulties into the purification of your character."
"My Will is the unspeakably rich treasure. Seek it. Know it. Ask Me for it."
"Marvels beyond all your imaginings are unfolding. I am your Guide. Joy in that thought."
"Seek diligently for something to be glad and thankful about in every happening and soon no search will be required."
"Look on each difficulty as training to enable you to acquire My Peace."
"Let nothing touch the harmony of the real you that is hid with Me."
"I will never leave you. There is no bond on earth that compares to the union between a soul that loves Me -- and Me."
"Have no fear of the future. Be quiet, be still, and in that stillness comes strength."
"Consciousness of Me opens your whole nature to Me and that brings relief. Relief brings peace. Peace brings joy."
"I am longing to use you. Your power to help others will soon bring its delight."
"Remember no prayer goes unanswered. You will see lives you never touched altered, laws made, evils banished."
"No more looking back. Give yourself and all you have ever met a fresh start. Forget their sins and failures and your own."
"I would almost say "Forgive Me children that I allow this burden to rest upon you". There is so much you have to learn. Use this time to increase your knowledge of Me. "
"I see the loving, the striving, not the defects. I see the conquest of your particular battle and count it a victory."
"Keep a listening ear to hear the sound of My gentle Voice."
"Know this. From the moment you placed all in My Hands and sought no other aid, I have taken the quickest way possible to work out your salvation."
"You are to feel plenty. My storehouses are full to overflowing. You must see this in your mind before you can realize it in material form."
"The beauty of My Kingdom is in its growth. Spend no time thinking of failures. Count lessons learned as rungs in a ladder. Step up."
"All reform is from within however restricted your circumstances. Look inside yourself to see something not in order. Seek to right that."
"Not only in the great decisions of life accept and welcome My Will. See it in each interruption, each task however small. Accept it and the resulting Joy will transform your life."
"Stop all feverish haste and be calm. Come to me not only for petitions to be granted but nearness to Me."
"I have promised that for every day you live the strength shall be given. Do not fear."
"So trust and know I am leading you. Step with confidence in Me into each unknown day."
"The prayer of real Faith is a prayer of Joy that sees and knows the heart of Love it rises to greet and is sure of a glad response."
"No day is lost which you have given Me to use."
"Never lose heart. Draw near to Me and in that nearness is all you need."
"No need to plead. How wonderful to feel you can simply claim help and so lovingly it is there."
"Be calm, assured, at rest. I love you."
"Trust in Me and leave to Me the choosing of the day and hour, then My miracle-working Power is made manifest."
"Not to the great and world-famous are My words whispered so often, but to the quiet followers who serve me bravely with a smiling face to the world. Thank Me for the quiet lives."
"In your dark hours when human help fails, feel My Hand of Love press yours in silent understanding."
"Joy does come to those who suffer in a journey with Me. Not due to suffering itself, but to the close intimacy with Me."
"When things do not work out as you planned, then smile at Me and say "Have Your Way then". Knowing that My Loving response will be the best for you."
"Cast out fear. Replace each fearful thought with one of Me. Feel My tender nearness. "
"Rest in Me. Underneath are Everlasting Arms. Rest in them as a tired child rests. "