"You must not feel the burden of your failure. Go on in faith, the clouds will clear, the way will lighten."
"You must not feel the burden of your failure. Go on in faith, the clouds will clear, the way will lighten."
"You can never go beyond My Love and Care. Circumstances I bless and use must be the best for you."
"Be transmitters of joy. Love and laugh. Cheer all. Love all."
"You have an answer to every fear evil may present -- faith and confidence in Me."
"Do not weigh yourself down with sorrows of the world. Look for the loving, the true, the brave in the many around you."
"Whatever sorrow or difficulty the day brings. My tender command is the same. Love and laugh."
"Daily learn trust and calm in the midst of storm."
"Remember I am always with you. So tender, so patient, so strong."
"I am your Friend. Ready to help, encourage, soothe tired nerves, and speak peace to your restlessness and fear."
"So trust Me. I am with you all the time, controlling, blessing, and helping."
"I look for faith that immediately lays to rest the doubts of the day as they arise."
"Share your troubles, failures, heartaches with Me. I will share My Patience and My Strength with you."
"Rise above your fears into My Joy. It will heal your sores and wounds."
"Store little acts and words of faithfulness in My Great Storehouse, ready for the day of your big demand."
"So many fly to Me when difficulties are insurmountable, never realizing that if they sought Me every day for companionship and guidance many of the difficulties would not exist."
"Do not fear. I am a wall of protection around you."
"You are now upon a mountain climb. Steep steps lead upward, but your power to help others will be truly marvelous."
"Let no unkind thoughts dwell in your heart, then I can act with all My Spirit-Power with nothing to hinder."
"Seek Me early before I get crowded out by life's troubles, difficulties, and pleasures."
"Wonders are unfolding. Just come before Me and stay for a while in My Presence."
"Learn of Me. Not by reasoning or reading but by living with Me and sharing your life with Me."
"Earth's intrigues are not for you. Learn of Me. Simplicity brings true rest and peace."
"Whenever trouble comes, think of all that you are thankful for. Your thankful heart and praise remove mountains."
"A wonderful future is ahead. Just be channels of My peace and love. Be used by Me."
"Dwell apart with Me. From these times you come forth in Power to bless and heal."
Every fear is a crime against My Love. Practice saying "All is well". Say it until you believe it. Know it.
"I am leading you. Fear nothing. Hope ever. Look to Me and I will be sure to aid."
"A false word, a fear-inspired failure, or a harsh criticism, these are the causes of distances between you and Me."
"Trust in Me. It is the ladder upon which you can climb from the lowest pit to magnificent heights."
"The sunlight of My Presence is on your path. Trust and go forward unafraid."
"Directly put your affairs and their difficulties in My Hands. I will begin to effect a cure."
"My Love, understanding, and strength will never leave you."
"Such marvels are unfolding. They only need the watering of a grateful spirit and a loving heart."
"I lay My Loving Hands on you. Feel their tender pressure. Courage and hope will flow into your being."
"How often, when you little know it, I go before you to prepare the way, to soften a heart here, to override there."
"Take refuge in My Everlasting Arms, so untiring, so safe, so sure."
"There is always a blockage when supplies seem short. Your giving clears that away and lets the Spirit of My Supply flow clear."
"Beyond all words is My Love and Care for you. Be sure of it. Rejoice in it."
"Walk in My Love. That walk becomes a glad conquering and triumphant march."
"Do you want to make the best of Life? Then live near to Me the Master and Giver of all Life."
"You do not make yourself loving, strong and kind. You live with Me then My Life accomplishes this miracle-change."
"Put all fear of the future aside. Know that you will be led. I have promised."
"Nearness to Me brings sweetness, confidence, and peace into life."
"Could I fail you? Just know it is not possible. You must not doubt. You must be sure."
"Painful as this time is, you will one day see the reason for it. Not cruel testing but tender preparation for the wonderful work you are to do."
"Be used by all, by the lowest and the smallest. How best can you serve? Let that be your daily seeking."
"Go forward you are beginning a new Life. Joy, Joy, Joy."
"Empty your vessels quickly. So much retained by you so much less will be gained from Me."
"Never mind the anguish that lies behind. Forget, forgive, love and laugh."
"No invention could even achieve one millionth part of all that you can achieve by the power of My Spirit. Just think for one moment what that means."
"Give abundantly. Feel that you are rich. Have no mean thought in your heart."