- "Wealth is deferred when you are afraid of the past, worried about the future, or withholding from others now."
- "Learn to shut yourself away in My Presence - and then, without speaking, you have those things you desire of Me, Strength - Power - Joy - Riches."
- "Through many channels My help can flow. I am your supply."
- "You are to feel plenty. My storehouses are full to overflowing. You must see this in your mind before you can realize it in material form."
- "There is always a blockage when supplies seem short. Your giving clears that away and lets the Spirit of My Supply flow clear."
- "Hoard nothing. Do not be afraid of poverty. Let money flow freely. I will let it flow in but you must let it flow out."
- "I never send money to stagnate, only to those who pass it on. Hoard nothing."
- "Regard Me as your only supply. That is the secret of prosperity. In turn you shall save many from poverty and distress."